January 11, 2007

Hyper emotional

yard statement
Originally uploaded by threadandscissors.

I have been having bouts of hyperemotional periods. Days, where everything makes me cry. I passed by war protestors on the way home from work today, and I couldn't restrain myself from honking. Maybe it was the country music on my little car radio, but I found myself heading over Ferry Street Bridge fighting back tears. Why? Protestors? Country? Could it be the snow? Who knows! All I know is that I will get emotional at a commercial if given the chance lately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad. I was crying the other day while reading People magazine. It was just this long list of names...all the American kids who died in the war this year. It was strange...it was the first time I felt really emotional about it-different than my normal pissed off and discgusted feeling. It figures it would be People magazine that would really get me in touch with word events. See ya. I've got to go cry and listen to the Dixie Chix.

10:18 AM  

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