My closest friends, and all of my coworkers, know that I have a salt habit. I crave salt. Sometimes I crave it so strongly that I will be able to think of little else than ways to get sodium into my body by any means necessary. When my salt monster is screaming, I have been known to, um, taste small amounts of straight soy sauce. It has been suggested, not once, but a few times, that perhaps a mineral deficiency is my problem, resulting in abnormally strong cravings for salt. I have resigned myself to my affliction. I have even settled into my oddity (as if there's only one) with ease. I thought that closet salt hoarding would be forever in my future. Today, I picked up the current issue of Cooking Light Magazine, and in it was an article featuring chunk salt. It is now the object of my desire to an extent that I immediately had to rush to my beloved laptop and research this wonderful new discovery. There it was, chunks of salt mined from Brazil, complete with a hand crafted copper grater, ready to be packaged and shipped directly to my door. I squealed with delight for a fraction of a second too long, and heard Dan mutter, "guess we don't have to have sex tonight." "Salt addict" to "salt connoisseur." Its all in a days work.
i remember eating lipton soup packets with you at lane tower....made with half the recommended water. yum. salty.
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