February 26, 2006

Having not slept well, I am now a monster...Grrr

Do you ever have the feeling that you are the absolute biggest crab in the entire world, when all you want is to represent yourself in the best possible light for the world? Well, last night I slept at my mom's house and I slept in shifts of 2 hours on 2 hours off, and needless to say this morning I feel like a huge pile of steaming excrement. And so I picked up the classifieds, depressed myself further and went back to bed for what I hoped was my final two hour shift.
Today is the last day of the knitting olympics, and all I have to do is weave in my loose thread ends and the pic will posted this evening. I am so excited about my ability to follow through! (usually I lose interest half way and start a new project- which I did, luckily neither of them take as long as some of the projects in progress I have seen being posted all over the internet. I swear, its like the knitters of the world took over these last two weeks! Awesome!
Darn, the eyelids are closing again, and its NOON, what is my problem? Ugh...


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