March 4, 2006

Craft vortex

For the last several days I have been absolutely obsessed with creating things, and for those who have known me a long time this is not unusual at all. Dan, however is new to me and my OCD obsession with crafting. I realized this when last night he told me I had seemed distant the past few days. Granted, I was also on my . so that contributed a bit to my hormone fluctuation, but I realized that this poor guy has no idea that I become TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY absorbed in projects to the point of forgetting that there is life, actual LIFE, going on around me. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a partner support group for those of us who are craftiliciously-obsessed (my new clinical term, from here on out abbreviated as C.O., NOT to be confused with the O.C., which I understand is actually going to show a NEW EPISODE ON THURSDAY LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO.
As was sort of discussed in the last post, I have moved my sewing machine to Dan's. This is a big deal for many reasons:
1. I love it more than life itself
2. It comes with a great many "attachments" (like my several hundred boxes of material)
3. I will probably never come out of the room it now sits in ever again.
4. Life as he knows it is over.
And he has no idea, hehe.
On a similar note, I have been added to the group of people who are taking part in the Block Swap! I barely made the list in time, in fact she closed the registration before I was even accepted, but yesterday I got the go ahead email, so now I begin, you will be able to see progress on my flickr site.


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