March 10, 2006

Mornings of snow and coffee...

Originally uploaded by threadandscissors.

Yesterday I made fun of Eugene's idea of snow. Last night it made an attempt to redeem itself, which it apparently is unsatisfied with, because it is continuing to snow nice dry (relatively) snow. This is very odd for Eugene, especially because it is March! It's a great excuse to sit inside all day and craft!
Last night Dan and I played our first Scrabble game since he got 80 points on one word and won the game. He won again last night. We are now tied on the Ultimate-scoreboard-of-all-time: 4 to 4. Tie breaking games are always exciting because there is usually cussing and severe depression coupled with evil amounts of gloating on both sides until the bitter end.
I have been waiting for fabric to start my quilt blocks for seedpod's block swap. Today I am going to start planning my layouts. I think I will make two different simple style blocks, and then depending on time I will branch out from there.
I have been reflecting a bunch lately over the last 3 months of my life. Big changes seem to have steamrolled me, and somehow I came out a little straighter and surer than before. To repeat, I don't feel so kinked or wrinkled anymore. Boy, I am really missing my iron.


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